

Hello and welcome to my blog. I’m Matt, 21 years old, living in sunny Devon in the city of Exeter. Professionally I’m an Air Traffic Control Assistant at Exeter International Airport, academically I’m a student at the Open University studying Earth and Planetary Sciences, and generally I’m an all round nice guy, amateur photographer and timelapse photographer, hiker along with a few other bits and bobs too.

I’m interested in how the world works, how we got here and where we’re going and I endeavour to learn more about it all. My main interests lie in the world of science, specifically earth, planetary and space sciences. I’m also a bit of a weather nut and can be seen taking photos of clouds quite regularly.

The main idea of this blog is to spread the word of science but I’ll also be talking about religion (I’m an atheist by the way) and sharing with you the lovely things I see and documenting my many trips to various places.

I hope you enjoy reading and please feel free to contribute by commenting on posts.


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